Tuesday 5 April 2011

Quest for Perfection

All human beings are searchers. Each person go forward with their journey different things. Some search for truth. Some search for a creator or God. Some others knowledge. Others may search fore pleasure.Some persons look for wealth. Here may be many persons who search for love. Freedom,salvation,emancipation,etc. We can see persons like animals who search for their daily food. Everyone in immersed in the great ocean of the worldly life knowingly o unknowingly, without having enough time to think about anything, to look backwards or forwards. We are not even concerned with our death which a definite conclusion to all our dreams and calculations. We even think thaw we are immortal.
There are so many schools of thought on our life. Even each and every individual has his or her own philosophy on life, its events, aims and objectives, and means. Everyone may have certain ideas on death and on the
the things we have to reckon or taken into consideration on the life after death. Surely religions have a crucial role in forming our ideas, especially on the purpose of life. A philosophy says life is an experiment. To some others it is a training or exercise. Life is a some total of we have known or experienced. Whatever may be our ideas and concepts of life it must have a meaning and purpose. And it should be to strive for perfection, i.e. to make life the most useful thing for ourselves, our fellow-beings and the whole society. Life has no small or narrow limits. The real limit of human life is the sky. We must make the maximum time available at our disposal. It is our mind which decide everything including. So we must keep our mind positive and open. Such a mind can easily grow and contribute great thongs to make our lie a blissful experience.

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